Friday, August 26, 2011

The {I} Family

I just had to post these photos of a friend's family! 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Redfish Lake

The new camera got here just in time for our camping trip to Redfish Lake.  (Maybe just because I told the hubby that there was no way I was going to leave without it!)  The boys all had a great time canoeing, fishing, swimming and getting dirty!

Ducks just before the monsters chased them away!
Boys and mud, what can I say?
Wagon at the old mining town of Custer

Fishing with Grandpa
Stanley Lake

Splashing at the hot springs near Sunbeam

We had to keep him confined somehow!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Possibly the Last 12 with the Old Rebel...

I don't know how long I've been drooling over newer cameras, but the last year or so it's been a pretty frequent (ok...maybe constant) occurrence.  Well, my loving hubby finally relented.  (It's entirely possible he got tired of the constant barrage of "I really think I need a new camera..." and other, even less subtle begging.  My new Canon 7D is on its way!
I have to admit the poor old Rebel and I have been through a lot together.  It's been there for almost every trip or important moment I've had in the last 6 years.  The weekend in Craters of the Moon National Monument when I met my  hubby, the day I got engaged, the birth of my little monsters and the many moments with them since.  I'll be sad to see it go, but I'm excited for the new chapter in my photography journey...

Little monster toes at Lake Lowell

Love it when he gives me a real smile!

Laughing at Daddy

I can't help but laugh back at him!

He is SO close to walking, but then again we've been saying that for over a month...

Practicing my backlighting...

...even when the little monster is less than cooperative!

You can tell I'm obsessed when I bring the camera to dinner!

"What do ya think you're looking at, huh?"

The boys loved the animals!

Of course I had to play with shutter speeds at the County Fair!

I had more fun taking pictures than I would have going on the ride!