Friday, September 23, 2011

Seriously Behind Already...

Sure enough, life has gotten in the way of the photography project.  I knew it would happen, but I hoped it wouldn't happen so soon.  :)  I will catch up eventually I'm sure, but in the mean time here's a few of the littlest monster.  You really have to have at least one photo of your kids like this...

"I'm still cute when I'm messy, right mom?"

Really?  Chef Boyardee isn't shampoo?!?

Monday, September 12, 2011


I'm lucky to have some very sweet ladies who were willing to let me do some photos shoots of their babies for practice.  It was a great learning experience for me!

Baby Boy T - Nine Months

Baby Girl O - Two Weeks

Baby Boy T - One Month

Thursday, September 1, 2011

September Already!!

I can't believe it's September!!  The last couple weeks have seemed to fly by exceptionally fast.  My sisters came for a visit, we went to the Idaho State Fair, day to day craziness, and of course time spent just playing!

Tonight my oldest decided he wanted to wear Daddy's cowboy boots and go stompin' around the house.  Before long he wanted to be "a real cowboy with a horse" so my awesome hubby went and got a saw horse, his old saddle and a rope.  We played all evening!  I love make believe with the little monsters! 

So here are a dozen of the latest family fun photos... Enjoy!

"I roped you Mommy!"